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a top industry in northeast wisconsin

To grow the most qualified, well trained, skilled, versatile and well compensated construction workforce

The Northeastern Wisconsin (NEW) Construction Alliance is an emerging association of employers in the construction trades collaborating with educators, workforce development, economic development, and government to promote careers in the building and construction trades in the NEW North.


For More Information


Jason Mathwig

Industry Alliance Director

New North, Inc.


[email protected]


NEW Construction Alliance Partners with New North to Help Develop Construction Career Pathways

The NEW Construction Alliance is proud to announce it has begun work with the NEW North to fully develop a Construction Pathway for the region both organizations serve.

Pathways are exactly what they sound like, a charted course that develops a student’s core academic and technical skills needed to prepare them for a particular career path—in this case: construction.

With unemployment levels dropping once again, this Pathway will be an important tool to help our industry grow its talent pool and ensure we have the human resources needed to see the construction industry thrive going forward…[READ MORE]

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors