- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Industry Alliances

collaborations for core industries

Corporations, Businesses, Economic Development leaders and Communities come together in the New North region to support the alignment of region’s key industries in workforce development training, education curriculum, and hiring practices. All resources work together to ensure a highly skilled, available workforce for business in Northeast Wisconsin.

In the New North region, we understand the priority of training today’s workers and preparing tomorrow’s workforce to ensure workforce availability for businesses and Corporations in Northeast Wisconsin. Focused training collaborations in the region align to the leading industry clusters of Northeast Wisconsin, concentrating on common career needs in the region, including welding, CNC manufacturing, finance, insurance, engineering, and information technology.

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors