- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Youth Apprenticeship

Connecting Students to Opportunities and Employers to Talent

Youth Apprenticeship (YA) is a 1 or 2-year program that gives juniors and seniors in high school the chance to explore a career area of interest. Students spend part of their school day earning credit and wages while they gain valuable industry experience under the guidance of a local business mentor.

Employers play an integral role in developing successful youth apprenticeships experiences.

  • Increase visibility of employer’s industry / business
  • Access to quality, prescreened workers who are eager to learn and have interest in the profession
  • Quality, prescreened youth apprentices who receive ongoing support during their apprenticeship
  • A method to address future hiring needs in a cost-effective and timely manner
  • Opening to help educational personnel develop job-specific proficiencies
  • Chance to become involved with worksite curriculum and shape the skills, expectations and habits of youth apprentices
New North leads Wisconsin with the highest level of YA participation
75% of graduating youth apprentices are extended permanent job offers by their employers

To connect with a regional YA coordinator:

View these Career Pathway videos from Regional CESA's

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