- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Available Jobs in Northeast Wisconsin

top employers, ample opportunities

People in the New North region have a wide variety of leading, top-rated employers to consider when choosing their career. From Fortune 500 companies to high-tech independent firms, all career fields and interests are available in Northeast Wisconsin. Access job boards and learn of our region’s employers by viewing New North Investor firms human resource websites and available positions.







Connect to a Job Center in Wisconsin

JobCenterOfWisconsin.com, operated by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the Wisconsin Job Center system, is a Wisconsin-centered employment exchange, linking employers in all parts of the state and in communities that border Wisconsin with anyone looking for a job.  Find employers and access current job listings by visiting their website at JobCenterOfWisconsin.com.

Job Center of Wisconsin logo

Connect to educational and training institutions

Access and connect to of all the 20 post-secondary colleges and universities in the New North region on our Education Resources page.

Northeast Wisconsin Manufacturing Careers – Now Hiring!

Northeast Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance company members are currently hiring for a variety of manufacturing and technical positions.  See a listing of open positions and search member profiles of the over 130 corporate members in the NEW Manufacturing Alliance.

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors