- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Site Selector Briefing

Northeast WI Business Intelligence and Due Diligence

New North is the premier marketing and economic development Corporation representing the 18 counties of Northeast Wisconsin that can provide site selection due diligence and business assistance to site selectors.

Our Partnerships mean less hassle for you. New North, Inc. partners with all economic development corporations, site owners and government representatives to be your single point of contact. Specifically, New North, Inc., is a close partner of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), the leading economic development Corporation in Wisconsin. We provide key industry insights, credible regional metrics and site selection assistance to support your next business expansion or relocation in Northeast Wisconsin.

One of the strengths of the New North Region is that our industries are very diverse, with deep supply chains.  New North, Inc. is creating, connecting and convening regional strategic initiatives for business and talent development –  Click Here to learn more about our New North Business and Talent Location Advantage

New North, Inc.: A Single Point of Contact for Business Intelligence and Site Selection Information is available on:

  • Wisconsin Real Estate Solutions
  • Workforce Development resources and data
  • Northeast Wisconsin Tax Rates
  • Local Economic Development and Business Incentives
  • Northeast Wisconsin Utility Rates
  • Wisconsin Incentives and Tax Credits
  • State of Wisconsin Department Incentives
  • Complete listing of all Regional Economic Development Corporations in WI posted by Wisconsin Economic Development
  • WEDC Business Development Programs

View available sites and facilities in Northeast Wisconsin in our comprehensive, statewide site selection database available at: https://properties.zoomprospector.com/newnorthwi.

Learn more about development in the region by reading Insight Publication’s 2022 InDevelopment Report!

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors