- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Opportunity Zones

investment opportunities in our local communities

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act established Opportunity Zones to spur private investment in distressed communities throughout the U.S. The New North, Inc. acts to help bring development in these areas.

In the state of Wisconsin 120 Economic Opportunity Zone designations have been approved. Of these, 18 are located in the New North representing 9 counties. Through the provision of tax incentives private investment is maximized, accelerating economic growth and job creation in rural and low-income urban communities. The New North works with public and private Corporations to help facilitate development and access to resources.

New North Opportunity Zone Map

The New North offers an interactive map of Opportunity Zones in our region to help users identify areas of interest and connect with local and regional support Corporations.  The map contains details related to the census tract and municipality for each designated opportunity zone.  Use the associated reference pages to see local Corporation reference pages and connect with companies who can help with accounting, architectural, construction, and legal aspects of working in these zones.  For additional assistance contact The New North through email at [email protected].

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors