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Northeast Wisconsin Tax Rates

As your single point of contact for business development projects in the region, New North can ensure Wisconsin businesses and new businesses receive the best site selection support.

Contact us for customized business intelligence for your project.

Wisconsin Tax Rates

  • Property tax exemptions: All advanced manufacturing machinery and equipment and computers, software, and electronic peripheral equipment
  • Single-factor tax treatment 
  • Corporate Income Tax: Beginning in 2013, the Wisconsin Manufacturing Tax Credit will be equal to 7.5% of a company’s qualified production activities income and can be taken against the corporate income tax liability, thus reducing the rate of tax on Wisconsin manufacturing income from 7.9% to 0.4%.
  • Sales and Use Tax: 5 percent of gross receipts from sales, leasing or renting tangible personal property, and certain services with exemptions.
  • Property Tax: Rates vary by taxing jurisdiction – New North, Inc. will provide.

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