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Corporate responsibility and volunteering

The New North has a culture of giving time and money. Both residents and businesses invest in the community to make Northeastern Wisconsin a better place to live, work, and play.

Not only do companies in Northeastern Wisconsin care about their employees, they care about the communities they live in. The New North’s partners know that a workplace succeeds when a community thrives. Below are profiles of what some major companies in The New North are doing to better their communities.

Associated Bank logo

Associated Bank knows it can only be successful if the communities in which it operates are also successful. Thus, it uses its expertise and financial support to identify needs and lead efforts to promote affordable housing, provide small business lending and support neighborhood development. These initiatives and investments have far-reaching, positive implications in the communities it serves.

Bemis logo

Through partnerships with local schools, students are mentored by Bemis employees and community professionals to develop their trade skills and help local families in need.

Boldt logo

On an annual basis, at least 10 percent of profits for Boldt Company are earmarked for charitable giving.

Green Bay Packers logo

The Green Bay Packers Foundation awarded $600,000 to 223 civic and charitable groups throughout the state of Wisconsin in its annual distribution of grants. Overall, including a $250,000 impact grant awarded to Achieve Brown County and a $250,000 impact grant shared between five hunger relief organizations in Brown County, a record $1.1 million was granted through the Foundation. (Green Bay Packers, Inc.)

Kimberly Clark logo

In 2015, Kimberly-Clark and our employees contributed $35.8 million in cash and product donations for charitable causes worldwide. As part of that amount, the Kimberly-Clark Foundation matched $1.7 million in employee giving and awarded about $700,000 in grants to charities where our employees or their spouses volunteered more than 80,000 hours of their time.

Miron logo

Miron plays an active role in our communities by contributing to projects that make them wonderful places in which to live, work and play. Each year, it contributes more than $1.2 million to community projects, organizations and events. (Miron Construction Co., Inc.)

Schneider logo

Schneider believes that charitable giving and volunteerism go hand-in-hand. Every year, thousands of Schneider Associates donate their personal time and talents to make a difference. Schneider has created the Community Connection Volunteer Corps to encourage individual and corporate volunteerism among our more than 18,600 Associates around the world. (Schneider National)

Thrivent logo

In 2015, Thrivent directed $100.3 million to people in need, churches and other nonprofits, and Thrivent members helped raise $103.6 million more. That's $203.9 million in total outreach.

US Venture logo

U.S. Venture’s Poverty Outcomes & Improvement Network Team (POINT) are using these processes to strengthen existing poverty reduction efforts, address service gaps, and measure progress on reducing poverty in Northeast Wisconsin. There are nearly 90 active improvement teams participating in this initiative.

WPS logo

The Wisconsin Public Servicefoundation provides nearly $1.4 million annually in contributions to programs in the following areas: Arts & Culture, Community & Neighborhood Development, Education, Human Services & Health, and the Environment.

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors