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Honoring the Brave

Posted May 24, 2024


Honoring the Brave

As we approach Memorial Day, let’s come together as a community to remember and honor the courageous men and women who have given their lives in service to our nation. It’s a time to reflect on the sacrifices made for the freedoms we cherish and to express our gratitude to those who have served.

New North is honored to have partnered with the Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce for the launch of “Memorial Day on Main,” a month-long initiative dedicated to restoring the meaning of #MemorialDay and bringing our attention back to our fallen heroes through the use of Hero Cards. These cards showcase the stories and photos of service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We will also be respectfully displaying the cards of the Wisconsin service members at our New North Summit on June 6.

The #HeroCards are part of the Grateful Nation Project, a national initiative that aims to preserve and share the legacy of our fallen heroes. By learning about their lives, we can express our gratitude and appreciation for their service and sacrifice.

This Memorial Day, let us pause to honor those who “..gave the last full measure of devotion.” Let’s share their stories, celebrate their lives, and hold their memories close to our hearts. They may be gone, but they are never forgotten.

Rebecca Deschane
Vice President, Talent Development

Rebecca headshot

Tomb of Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, honoring all unidentified service members who gave their lives for the United States. The Tomb is guarded by the U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, with a sentinel on duty in front of the Tomb every minute of every day since 1937.

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors