- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info



Category: Blog

Outdoor Recreation Key to Economic Growth & Talent Attraction

Posted June 14, 2024
Outdoor recreation, from hiking and fishing to golfing and skiing, is integral to the New North’s economy. Wisconsin’s outdoor recreation industry contributed a record-breaking $9.8 billion to the state’s gross [...]
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Honoring the Brave

Posted May 24, 2024
Honoring the Brave As we approach Memorial Day, let’s come together as a community to remember and honor the courageous men and women who have given their lives in service [...]
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Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce

Posted April 29, 2024
Empowering Tomorrow’s Workforce The Impact of Youth Apprenticeship Programs in the New North Region In today’s rapidly evolving job market, equipping young individuals with the necessary skills and experiences to [...]
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Finding your True North

Posted April 12, 2024
Finding your True North Author and Harvard Business School professor Bill George suggests that the secret to becoming a successful and authentic leader is by discovering your True North. His [...]
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Introducing New North’s Blog!

Posted March 12, 2024
Introducing New North’s Blog! New North, Inc. is pleased to launch a brand new blog to highlight the innovation and initiatives that are shaping the growth and prosperity of our [...]
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