- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Broadband Resources

Broadband in Wisconsin and Beyond

Below are some resources and information about what others are doing around the state and country.

Wisconsin Broadband Office

Broadband Grants

2022: 12 Counties in the New North received Broadband Grants totaling $8.9M – Link to map 

2023: 4 Counties in the New North received Broadband $4.4M – Link to map 

Since FY 2020, the New North region has been awarded $26.5M in broadband grants with $46.1M in matching funds.  

  Award  Match 
FY 2020  $6,262,929  $8,218,859 
FY 2021  $4,061,160  $6,283,743 
FY 2022  $11,861,224  $25,245,785 
FY 2023  $4,359,328  $6,390,366 


Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD)


Wisconsin Governor’s 2021 Task Force on Broadband Access Report

Wisconsin Governor’s 2022 Task Force on Broadband Access Report

Wisconsin Governor’s 2023 Task Force on Broadband Access Report


Wisconsin Broadband Map


National Digital Inclusion Alliance

Asset Mapping for Digital Inclusion

State of Hawaii Digital Equity Ecosystem Map

Portland, OR Digital Inclusion Network



Competitive Wisconsin Be Bold Series on Broadband Video


Other States

Chattanooga TN Success Story

State of Kentucky’s Broadband Site

State of Maine’s Broadband Site

State of Minnesota’s Broadband Map

State of Washington’s Broadband Site

State of Ohio Broadband Site



Federal Communications Commission – Fixed Broadband Deployment

FCC RDOF (Rural Digital Opportunity Fund) Map

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors