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Afghanistan Resources

Afghanistan Resources

It is important to note that Afghanistan is a diverse country where three main languages are spoken and society is very stratified with different levels of education and social experiences.

Resources, media clips and websites to help understand and welcome newcomers from Afghanistan:

  • Ted talk on understanding refugee trauma
  • This clip showcases some of the women of Afghanistan (prior to takeover)
  • The current experience in Afghanistan
  • Content on cultural practices
  • Further Information  on Afghan culture and values
  • This link also sheds some light from a Westerner’s perspective on Afghanistan as he travels through a certain region
  • This link is an Afghan wedding dinner celebration
  • This clip highlights part of  the experience children are having in Afghanistan
  • Reach out to World Relief Fox Valley https://worldrelief.org/fox-valley/ for speaker suggestions. They have had an extensive hand in serving refugee populations. This link speaks to Afghan refugees in particular.
  • Consider following Khalid Hosseini, an Afghan American Novelist on Facebook as he speaks to the various experiences of the Afghan populations and the political strife individuals have gone through
  • Consider reading A Thousand Splendid Suns and Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini to further understand the social/educational stratification of Afghan society



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