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Renee Torzala

Renee Torzala headshot

Renee Torzala is the Vice President of Marketing & Investor Relations at New North Inc., the regional marketing and economic development organization for the 18 counties of Northeast Wisconsin. She has held the position since April 2021.

In her role, Torzala leads marketing and branding initiatives, manages investor relations and coordinates events, including the New North Summit and the Investor Appreciation event.

Torzala has a long history in economic development and community involvement on both a professional and personal level. Through her private-sector employment, she has held positions encompassing marketing, public relations, communications, fundraising, and community partnerships/relations. Torzala also has volunteered extensively away from work.

Her experience in marketing, branding and corporate social responsibility in the New North region includes leadership roles at Community First Credit Union, Faith Technologies and Stadtmueller & Associates. Torzala’s community-based efforts also have included time as director of community partnerships for Appleton Downtown Inc., director of public relations and fundraising for Future Neenah Inc., and marketing director for the Capitol Civic Centre in Manitowoc, Wis.

Torzala previously was a volunteer member of the New North Marketing & Branding Committee for three-plus years. She also has been part of the Environmental Education Committee for the Bubolz Nature Preserve located in Appleton, Wis., a member of the Workplace Volunteer Council and Make a Difference Day committee for Volunteer Fox Cities, and has served as a career mentor for high school students through the Fox Cities Boys & Girls Club. She currently serves on the Marketing Committee for Fox Cities Habitat for Humanity, the Creative Downtown Committee for Appleton Downtown, Inc., and the Advisory Committee on Public Affairs for Lawrence University.

Torzala graduated from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh with honors in 1992, with a degree in journalism, advertising/public relations emphasis and an English minor.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (920) 858-7725

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