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NEW Digital Alliance

The NEW Digital Alliance was formed in 2014 as a collaborative effort between educators, workforce development experts and industry leaders to address the IT talent challenges facing the Northeast Wisconsin region. The NEW Digital Alliance has since created a multi-prong strategy to build a robust pipeline that will fill the talent pool in the short and long term.

Since the NEW Digital Alliance was founded, we have seen:

  • Increased awareness of the IT shortage, and challenges in closing the gap among area companies as a result of the northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance economic survey.
  • Increased energy and collaboration among companies and educational institutes around solving the IT talent gap.
  • Development of innovative programs that connect and inspire students and professionals to develop the skills they need to become the problem solvers of today and tomorrow.
  • Development of 1+3 programs where high school students complete one full year of college credit while in high school, allowing them to complete a bachelor’s degree in a specific IT major in three years.
  • Development of 2+2 educational pathways that allow technical college students in specific IT programs to transfer to a participating university and complete a bachelor’s degree in an additional two years.
  • Introduction of TEALS (Technology Literacy and Education in Schools) (link: https://www.tealsk12.org), which is a Microsoft initiative that pairs IT professionals with classroom teachers to help teach computer science curriculum in high schools. Northeast Wisconsin is the first region in the state to adopt this program.

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors