- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info


Business Intelligence

navigating the future to maintain the competitive edge

Informing the regional community and working to advance the New North’s three strategic pillars: foundation strategies, impact strategies, regional branding.

Information and data collection strives to provide insight into performance (metrics), regional economic health (data), and trend line information/data that shapes strategy or anticipates impactful change to the regional community/economy.  The information provides the content for a forum for discussion, for community conversations that can anticipate change and lead to shifts in priorities, new tactics, and new capacities resulting in superior strategic effort and workable metrics that guide actions and challenge the work of the New North organizations and businesses.

The New North Business Intelligence Committee was formed to explore data insights and help identify trends that may point to future opportunities or disruptions, which should be considered in making strategic decisions for future growth and competitiveness. As part of this work the New North IntelTracker was developed as an on-line tool for organizations to follow the data trends and develop appropriate future strategies to capture opportunities and plan for disruptions.

New North Business Intelligence Forward-Looking Regional Strategy
Key Drivers Analysis Report w/Future Splitting Questions – October 2019
Think-Tank Workshop Report – August 2019
October 7 – New North Talent Hub Meeting Report
2018 Northeast Wisconsin Business Intelligence Study  – Executive Summary 
New North Business Intelligence Survey Findings and Navigating the Future Discussion – Held February 20, 2019 – St. Norbert College

Video of Survey Findings Presentation by Dr. Jamie Lynch – Director St. Norbert College Strategic Research Institute.   Slides from Dr. Lynch’s presentation.

Table Discussion Notes from Navigating the Future Roundtables on 2-20-19

Key Themes of Table Discussion Notes on Leadership, Talent & Innovation

Survey Comparison – New North, NEW Manufacturing Alliance and NEW IT Alliance 2019 Surveys

April 2017 New North – Big Picture Trends to Watch

Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors