- 🏈 NFL Draft is coming to Northeast Wisconsin, April 24-26, 2025 – Click here for more info



Month: October 2022

23 emerging leaders from the New North region taking part in Forward 48 cohort

Posted October 25, 2022
23 emerging leaders from the New North region taking part in Forward 48 cohort First leadership-development cohort in region includes 14 women, 11 BIPOC rising young professionals NEW NORTH, October [...]
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Mike Vogel of Nicolet National Bank joins New North board of directors

Posted October 19, 2022
Mike Vogel of Nicolet National Bank joins New North board of directors He has led its commercial-banking operations in Green Bay and Fox Valley for past decade NEW NORTH, October [...]
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Sachin Shivaram named as a new Co-Chair of New North Inc.

Posted October 6, 2022
Sachin Shivaram named as a new Co-Chair of New North Inc. CEO of Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry in Manitowoc takes over for departing Tim Schneider NEW NORTH, October 6, 2022 – [...]
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New North to hold local, regional entrepreneurial pitch contests

Posted October 5, 2022
New North to hold local, regional entrepreneurial pitch contests Local partners planning Startup Week events, leading up to Dec. 1 regional event; Deadline for entry by uploading pitch ideas is [...]
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Special thank you to our top investors. For a full list of New North investors, go to Our Investors